Friday, December 15, 2006

How Petrifying!

For this post's topic, I'll center on a certain BCNM (Burning Circle Notorious Monster) This is a rather popular one for my LS on the Bahamut server, as it is very easy and drops can be pretty darn decent. This is a lv30 cap BCNM so that means you'll need a sky orb for this fight. It is also located in Ghelsba Outpost, in the same spot where you fight for your NPC and DRG flag quest. The enemies in this fight are 2 NM lizards, Kilioa and Kalamainu. They do all of lizard's normal weapon skills. A popular set up for this fight is war/ninx2 and rdm/?, the rdm's sub being a personal preference. A lot of people suggest /blm for Elemental seal, but with capped enfeebling at lv30 your spells will stick 95% of the time. I was 15/15 on this run using the setup mentioned above with 0 deaths. (I subbed blu >:) Our drop rate was fairly decent, scoring leaping boots a lot, probably at least 10 pairs in those 15 runs. The gun belt was another hot ticket item when corsair first came out, selling for around 1.5mil but price has dropped to around 200k, still not too bad. All of the other drops include various lv30 latent effect belts and a few spells. Now to run through suggested items to bring:

Hi-Pots: A precaution, as the rdm will be kiting one of the lizards he may not be able to assist in healing right away. RDM should also bring 1-2, can never hurt.

Food: War/nin's bring what you prefer, either meat or sushi. Remember the faster you take the first one down, the better. RDM should bring some type of pie for mp boost.

Drink: Some sort of HP regen drink for war/nin is always nice but not required. RDM should bring yagudo drinks, at least one per run.

Echo Drops: Lizards have a ws called Brain Crush which induces silence, echo drops are a must.

Blind Potions: I read that using these will prevent the lizards petrify ws, not entirely sure if it does but it also hampers the war/nin's performance, so test if willing. Results may vary.

Reraise: You never know.

Lets Begin! Upon trading the orb, make sure to select "Petrifying Pair" and enter the match! You and your party have 15 minutes to beat this, which should be plenty of time. Upon entering, eat food, utsusemi, blink, aquaveil, protect and etc buffs. Don't drink MP drink yet, save it for later and rest til almost full. Now facing to where the lizards are, a brown one will be standing to the far left, the white one to the far right. The War/nin's just act in tandem, voking off of each other when their respected shadows fall. Also take note, when/if the lizard petrifies one of the wars, the RDM should try to bind it so the other war can provoke it and move away until petrifiy falls. While the two war's whittle away the one lizard, the rdm should be kiting the other one with gravity and bind if it wears off before recast. The rdm should keep blink up at all times or utsusemi if he/she is subbing ninja, as if he dies then the wars die. The RDM should also have time to toss in a few enfeeble's on the lizard the war/nin's are fighting to help out. When the first lizard falls, have the rdm to continue kiting the other one to give time for your companions to recast and prepare to engage second one. The 2nd one should go down quickly, the rdm having decent mp after using drink and resting when need be.

I have also done this with a war/nin and blu/nin, it also worked fairly well.

Drops can be dissapointing at times, but overall our parties have had pretty good drops, one member getting 2 pairs of leaping lizzy boots on his 2 runs. 30 seals isn't too bad either, just remember to always save them and never throw them away.

For more information on drops and strategies, check out

1 comment:

Hyourin said...

another good note is to not have the other liz get near the other. by that i mean, the tanks move to a corner. i died b/c the other liz aggroed me (even tho i did nothing) while fighting the other ><

overall good steady drops.

i'd recommend celery bcnm60 as well ^^b